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Kakar Security

  Website: www.walikhankakar.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/walikhankakaro/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wali-khan-kakar-40515b260/

Kakar Security Kindle Edition
Amazon: https://a.co/d/j11QJTU

Kakar Security Paperback
Link: https://a.co/d/3a6tlFD

Kakar Security Hardcover — Large Print
Link: https://a.co/d/6oZtX3F


Cybersecurity MCQS 20

Burpsuite installation on the Pc 25

Connect Burpsuite in Firefox 34

Burpsuite in the Chrome 41

Analyzing and Capturing Network Packets 42

Bypass OTP in Burpsuite 43

Reduce product prices in Burpsuite 47

How to use Zenmap to Scan a Network 49

Secure WordPress from Hackers 50

Active WordPress Password limit 53

How to Buy Domain from NameCheap 55

Install WampServer in PC 57

Wampserver msvcr110.dll is missing from your computer 63

Installing the WordPress on Localhost Wampserver 69

Installing the WordPress on Localhost Localwp 72

Installing the WordPress on Localhost XAMPP 74

WordPress Speed Plugins 78

WordPress Image Optimization 80

Create Website for Backlinks and Guest Posting 82

Index Website in Duck Duck Go 83

Index Website in Baidu 85

If not work try this. 86

Create a Baidu account on Baidu overseas registration page 88

How to check if you’re indexed in Baidu. 89

Create Contact form in WordPress 90

Install Elementor in WordPress 92

Install Elementor Kit in WordPress 93

Install Mega Manu in WordPress 94

Create personal schema markup 95

Audit website 97

Add your website in the Ahrefs 99

Find Low-Competition, High-Traffic Blog Topics (with 5 Free Tools) | Micro Niche 102

Add website in Google Search Console 104

Add website in Bing Search Engine 108

Check website Speed 109

Google Mobile Friendly Testing Tool 110

AMP Validator 111

W3C HTML Validator 112

Add website in Google Analytics 113

Create Backlink website in WordPress 122

Advanced Hacking with Nmap 123

Creating and routing email addresses 124

HTTrack website copier: How to clone any website | extract website data 127

How to identify technology on websites 130

Clone any voice using machine learning 131

Computer Forensics: Collect digital evidence for Windows forensics analysis 136

Install Ghidra reverse engineering tool 138

Install Vagrant 141

Install Docker on windows 145

SEO Chrome Extensions 148

Autopsy — Digital Forensics 157

ChatGPT jailbreak (Do Anything Now!) | Openai ChatGPT Hacked 158

Pakistan first AI Content writing tool | RankNow.ai for ChatGPT extension 163

Hacking Search Engine | Shodan Search Engine 164

Install Wireshark | Network Protocol Analyzer 165

Top seven free Datasets to practice Data Analytics 168

Hacking Challenges with Hackertest.net 170

Level 1 170

Level 2 172

Level 3 173

Level 4 174

Level 5 175

Level 6 176

Level 7 177

Level 8 178

Level 9 182

Level 10 184

Level 11 186

Level 12 187

Level 13 188

Level 14 190

Level 15 192

Level 16 193

Level 17 196

Level 18 198

Level 19 199

Level 20 200

Website security in Cloudflare (Admin Login Page Access) 208

Stop Bot traffic in the Contact Form (Cloudflare) 210

Check Malwares in Software’s 211

Download the Nessus (vulnerability scanner) 212

Nessus Download Failed 220

Brute Force attack on the DVWA website with the help of Burp Suite 223

Find the Server IP 231

How to Check IP Address and Server Name in Real Time 232

What is Computer Networking? 233

Types of Networks 234

Network Scanning Methodology 235

What is Nmap? 236

Types of Network Scans in the Nmap 237

Find the Subnet 238

Install Remcos 239

Install Sandboxie 241

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures 243

What is Footprinting and Reconnaissance? 244

Types of Footprinting and Reconnaissance 245

Use of Footprinting and Reconnaissance 246

DOS and DDOS tools 247

What is DoS and DDoS Attack | Power and Technique of DoS/DDoS Attack 248

What is DoS? 248

What is DDoS? 248

Basic Categories of DoS/DDoS Attack Vectors 249

Volumetric Attacks (bps): 249

Protocol Attacks (pps): 249

Application Layer Attack (rps): 250

Taking down Web Servers with Slowloris | Low and Slow Denial of Service 251

Advanced Information Gathering Techniques 252

What is Enumeration? 254

Types of Enumeration 255

Default Ports 256

How to Countermeasures about SMTP 257

How to Countermeasures about LDAP 258

How to Countermeasures about SMB 259

Download the DVWA 260

Scan all the ports 276

Install Netcat 277

Install HashCalc 280

Install Resource Hacker 282

Secure the Computer from the Black Hat Hacker 283

Install the FTK Forensic Toolkit 292


Image Forensics 295

Connect Mobile to the Computer for the Testing 297

Complete Website Hacking using SQL Injection 304

Introduction to SQL: Definition 304

SQL Operations: Usage 304

Introduction to Parameters 304

Manipulating Parameters 305

Identifying Parameters 305

What is SQL Injection 305

Types of SQLi 306

In-Band SQLi 306

Blind Based SQLi or Inferential SQLi 306

Out-of-Band SQLi 307

SQL Injection Methodology 307

Practical SQL Injection 307

Website nameserver information nslookup in command prompt 310

Command Prompt Commands 313

Install Flutter in Windows 318

Install Flutter in Windows 319

Android SDK location should not contain whitespace as this can cause problems with the NDK tools 330

Unable to locate Android SDK 331

USB complete formatting in the Command Prompt 333

Shopify Digital Products 335

Add Shopify in different Market Places 337

How to change the currency in Shopify 337

Dropshipping websites for Shopify 339

Shopify Product Hunting 344

Bug Bounty Vulnerabilities 345

SDR Devices 346

Google Advance Search Operators (Google Parameters) 357

Video Forensic 359

Website Enumeration 360

Check the Data breach 361

Foot printing and Reconnaissance (Perform Foot printing through web services) 362

MySQL Installation 363

Hacking Gadgets 366

USB to TTL Devices 373

How to create Windows 11 Bootable USB Drive 380

Session Hijacking — What is Session Hijacking | Complete Process of Sessions Hijack 384

What is Session Hijacking? 384

Why is Session Hijacking Successful? 384

Session Hijacking Process: 385

Types of Session Hijacking: 385

Session Hijacking in OSI Model 385

Network Level Hijacking: 385

Application-Level Hijacking: 386

The CIA Triad 386

1: Confidentiality 386

Measures: 387

Integrity 387

Measures: 387

Availability 387

Measures 388

Email Footprinting 389

How to check whether the E-mail is real or fake 391

Penetration Testing: 392

Penetration Testing Methodologies: 393

Views in Android: Text, Button, Image and Edit Text Views in Android 394

System Hacking 395

Password Cracking 395

Types of Password Attacks 396

1: Active Online Attacks: 396

2: Passive Online Attacks: 396

Default Password 397

Offline Attack 397

What is SIEM and how can it help your Cybersecurity? 398

What is SIEM? 398

1: Centralized Logging 398

2: Risk Management 398

3: Compliance: 398

SIEM Components 399

1: Collection: 399

2: Normalization: 399

3: Correlation: 399

4: Alerting: 400

SIEM Features and Capabilities 400

1: Threat Hunting: 400

2: Reporting and Dashboards: 400

3: Access Control: 400

SIEM USE Cases 401

1: Compliance: 401

2: Threat Hunting: 401

3: Incident Response: 401

How to select a SIEM Solution 402

1: Features: 402

2: Price and ROI: 402

3: Scalability: 402

Closing Thoughts 403

1: Get Buy-In: 403

2: Plan and Implement: 403

3: Maintain and Optimize: 403

The easiest way to find the Redirect Vulnerability, XSS, LFI | Bug Bounty 404

Open Redirection Bug Vulnerable parameters 404

What is Cryptography? | Cryptography and Network Security? 406

Properties of Encryption: 407

Asymmetric Encryption: 408

Hash Function: 409

IPv6 — Neighbor Discovery Protocol 411

IPv6 — — NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol) 411

Amazon SEO 412

What is Amazon SEO? 412

Top 6 ways to Rank our KDP Book 412

What is Google Hacking Database? 413

How to prepare for OSCP | OSCP Guide | OSCP Path | OSCP Roadmap 414

Level — 1 Fundamentals 414

Windows Basics: 414

Web Application Basics: 414

Python Fundamentals: 415

Basic of Server: 415

Basics of Cryptography: 416

Basics of Networking: 416

Level — 2 | Tools 417

Level — 3 418

Vulnerable Machines: 418

Level — 4 418

A+Topic: 418

Wireless 419

Types of Wireless Encryption: 419

WEP: 419

WPA: 419

WAP2: 419

Types of Wireless Threats 420

Wireless Hacking Methodology 420

How to install SQLmap on Windows 422

Wireshark Network Monitoring 424

Ophcrack 426

Kakar Security

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